рус / eng

Irina Kabanova

official site


  • 1993-1997 - The head of a puppet section (the Minsk Palace of Children and Youth)
  • 1997-2001 - Teacher of elocution (school № 136 with a theatrical bent, Minsk)
  • 2001-pr. t. - Teacher of elocution (Belarusian State Academy of Fine Arts)
  • 2001-pr. t. - Consultant of speech technology on "ONT TV-channel" and international TV and Radio "Mir" (Belarus)

Author of training programs about speech technology for specializations:

  • "Actor's Art of Dramatic Theatre and Film" (for distance learning)
  • "Actor's Art Puppet Theatre" (for full-time education)
  • "Actor's art of musical theater" (for distance learning)
  • "Drama Directing" (for distance learning)
  • "Television Directing" (for full-time education)
  • "Television Directing" (for distance learning)
  • "Feature Films Directing" (for full-time education)


  • 2008 - Conduct lectures and master classes on elocution at the Republicanseminar-workshop on choral singing, which is based of the BelarusianState Academy of Music (Minsk)
  • 2008 - Speech on "Challenges of speech at the present stage" at the Internationalscientific-theoretical conference "Actual problems of the modern school of art andBelarus in the context of globalization of culture", drawn on the basis of the Belarusian State Academy of Fine Arts (Minsk)
  • 2009 - Speech on "Problems of elocution. Students " at the Republican scientific-creative conference "3d Nefedovskaya reading" conducted on the basis of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (Minsk)
  • 2009 - Master-class on elocution in Nyumor (Belgium)

Contact information:

Cell num.: +375 29 5 520 520



© Irina Kabanova

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